
English Videos
Choosing to Return After 60 Years Seeking Treatment in Japan
Mrs. Toshiko Yamasaki (85 years old) immigrated to the US when her husband Katsuo (87 years old) was transferred there.
Origami:Paper Folding Art Deep Memories for Residents of Japanese Descent
Sakura ICF is an intermediate care facility for elderly of Japanese descent in Los Angeles, USA.
GEORGE AND SHINJI Elderly of Japanese Descent:Report from Los Angeles
Mr. George Yamamoto (104 years old) is a second-generation Japanese-American who was born in California, USA.
In an effort to become a town in which wind blows, earth grows and warm air sweeps past. -Story from Sano City in Tochigi prefecture- “regional salon Rafu café”
What kind of choice could a family caregiver have? -story from Tokoname, Aichi-
“Diagnosed with Dementia” Daily life portrayed by the patients and their families Vol.1-Ms.Eiko Nakanishi, Kyoto
Overseas Reports National Dementia Strategy in the UK Vol.1 Report by Dr. Hidetoshi Endo
Overseas Reports National Dementia Strategy in the UK Vol.2 Report by Mr. Toshio Machinaga