Sakura ICF is an intermediate care facility for elderly of Japanese descent in Los Angeles, USA. It provides various activities, among them a popular Origami workshop for the residents. A college student volunteers as instructor, and they enjoy making Origami together.
All participants are good at making Tsuru(the cranes). They learned it in childhood and have never forgotten.
The administrator of Sakura ICF said, "The values of Japanese culture are very ingrained in them," and understands stimulation relating to memories or skills residents gained in childhood. A doctor and medical associate for the institute added, "There is statistical evidence that people who engage in fine-motor activity with their fingers such as knitting and playing piano become senile at a much lower rate than those who don't," and recommended Origami.
Origami requires sensitive manual dexterity and mental focusing skills that may protect against dementia.(9:12)
【2018.02.14 Release(Original)】
<Japanese Version>
おりがみ 〜在米日系人の心に深く刻まれた記憶〜